Resources & Publications

Resources Overview
As CISG publications become available and are updated, they will be provided below. In addition, the CISG Scientific and Education Committees may provide additional recommended resources.
CISG Publications
- 2023 Consensus Statement
- 2023 SCAT6®
- Introducing the SCAT6®
- The Child SCAT6®
- Introducing the Child SCAT6®
- 2023 SCOAT6
- 2023 Introducing the SCOAT6
- 2023 Child SCOAT6
- 2023 Introducing the Child SCOAT6
- The CRT6
- Introducing the CRT6
- 2022 Consensus Editorial
- Concussion in Para-sport consensus statement
- 2017 Consensus Statement – Methodology
- 2017 Consensus Statement – Definition
- 2017 Consensus Statement
Member Reference List
The Member Reference list is being built and will be released shortly.